When you buy our original Circus Collection you can trust to receive an authentic product, in color ways and finishes as originally intended by the original designer Corinna Warm and to the high standards of quality our independent design company Studio Warm has become renowned for internationally. You can feel reassured that your purchase supports the original designer’s small business as well as the small businesses of our local artisan makers. Our product is proudly made by craftsmen and women in the US.
It is important to note that British Lighting brand Innermost Design is NOT LICENSED to sell our designs and is continuing to do so regardless causing tremendous financial losses to our small business. Our product is often advertised as 'designed by Corinna Warm' which is creating customer confusion and false association. They are passing off a connection to us which does not exist. We have no business association with Innermost Design Limited and they are selling counterfeit replica product at their full profit which we are fighting to remove from the market.
We are often finding ourselves bidding against our own work to lose out to Innermost's unlicensed product, they are undercutting our prices as their product is made in China.
We appreciate you in joining our fight against design theft and supporting original creativity and design.